To illustrate this function, find in video the explanations of Roland Jourdain, for whom the variable’s’ scan function is essential to help him in decision making.
Roland Jourdain
This function has been designed for navigators to be able to generate routings quickly and precisely. By making playing on the various exploitable parameters, routing is studied in a very exhaustive way, helping you to make a decision wittingly. So, to go from a Point A to a point B, you can make vary:
– boat’s speed
– wind’s speed
– wind’s direction
For the wind speed for instance, you can compare the weather forecast data to the feeling you have on the water. You can decide to vary from 70% to 120% the wind’s speed.
Variables’ scan is a help for decision making in solo or crew navigation. This function helps you visualizing your routes, the obstacles and the good conditions you will meet in the days to come.